Modular Classrooms – A Solution for School Overcrowding

A committee of six Beaverton School District parents came up with five recommendations to deal with overcrowding at Springville K-8 and Stoller Middle School.

Two of the five recommendations related to the deployment of modular classrooms and other such portable school buildings.

  • Add more modular classrooms to Stoller Middle School campus. The school, which just received four modular buildings with eight classrooms, can take three more buildings with a total of six more classrooms. This could increase enrollment to a level that makes it difficult to operate the school.
  • Add more portable classrooms at Rock Creek Elementary to house a grade level of students. Rock Creek can only take two more portables, which would limit the plan.

The five recommendations of the Springville / Stoller Overcrowding Solutions Committee now reside with Superintendent Jeff Rose, who will meet with staff and possibly the parent committee, before making a final decision.

He is not required to select just one and Rose may combine recommendations.

Parents and other interested parties have discussed various ideas on various Facebook pages.

Full Story: Oregon Live